How To Use Twitter: Tips For New Users

November 1, 2021 By Shannon Hayes Off

I’d like to tell you about Twitter.

If you are familiar, skip this section.

There is a social networking service called Twitter that allows members to broadcast short posts of 140 characters or less – known as tweets  – which can be seen by anyone who is following their account.

The information in the tweet could be anything – links to articles they think are important, interesting exchanges with other users about politics, the weather, or the plot of “Star Wars” (“The Empire Strikes Back” was better).

Users can also read public tweets from other people on the service, and follow them if they find their updates interesting.

For example, your Aunt Margaret might have an account where she primarily follows 90-year-old men who live in Florida and like to discuss their golf games (yes, your aunt is a bit of a weirdo).

While the service is free to use and anyone can view public tweets on, different users have different amounts of control over who sees their individual posts.

In order to post updates on Twitter, you need to create an account, but it’s quick and easy – just provide your name and email address then type in a password of your choosing twice for verification.

You can even sign up with an existing Gmail or AOL account if you already have one of those.

Once you’ve created this account, you’ll be given four options:

1) Write a new tweet

2) Reply to a tweet

3) Retweet someone else’s message

4) Find a list of suggested users to follow.

There is also a little “gear” button that will take you to your account settings page where you can update your password and email address, as well as give you the option to delete your account entirely.

Your tweets are impossible for anyone but yourself to edit once they’ve been posted, so make sure you proofread before hitting send!

Now that we have created an account, let’s get started tweeting!

I’m going to show you how to send a few sample tweets using Twitter’s web interface.

Then we’re going to explore some third-party tools and mobile apps which will give us some additional options and features while tweeting from different locations or devices.

You can skip this section if you are already familiar with the Twitter website.

Let’s start by composing a new tweet using in your web browser (you can also use apps like Tweetdeck or Hootsuite to do this, but we’ll discuss those other times).

To speed up the whole process go to

You can send updates from without having to log in if you go here:

At the top of the page, you’ll see three links – home, notifications, and direct messages.

We’re interested in writing new tweets for our account so click on “Compose new tweet”.

A text box will appear where you’ll be able to type whatever it is that you want to say!

I’m going to write my first tweet ever…

“Just learned that the term ‘keyboard cat’ refers to an old video of a cat playing an organ keyboard on YouTube.

What do I do now?”

Now under the text box, there are two choices – public or private.

“Public” means anyone can see this tweet, so you should consider before posting whether or not what you have to say is something you want people to be able to read!

If it isn’t, select “private” so only people who follow your account will be able to see it (and even then they’ll need the link which we’ll discuss in a minute).

One last thing before hitting send – Twitter lets you attach pictures and short videos called Vine  clips by pasting in links, but